Resident Resources
Helpful forms and get in touch
Building & Resident Services
Call 9-1-1 to access emergency medical, fire or police services.
repairs@onwardhomes.ca or call 1-877-891-9060
Resident Enquiries
living@onwardhomes.ca or call 1-877-891-9060
24-hour Service
Get in touch anytime by calling 1-877-891-9060

“I like to give back because without all the people and agencies who helped me get straight, I wouldn’t be sitting here now.”
Our approach
Our mixed-income approach helps reduce stigma, promotes community integration, and enhances quality of life for our residents.
On average, a one-bedroom apartment is approximately 40-50% less per month than the average market rate. At Onward, we know that housing is the foundational element to every Calgarian’s well-being. Our team works to serve residents and partners while ensuring quality homes.
Resident information
Please be considerate of others. Avoid disturbing your neighbours with loud noises. Please contact the police with any serious late-night issues.
Resident safety and security is our top priority. Some Onward properties have security camera systems that record video 24/7, while other properties have entrance security cameras. Onward employees regularly tour our buildings.
We are committed to ensuring you have a positive experience with us and are pleased to receive your suggestions and feedback. Please email living@onwardhomes.ca
The Calgary Parking Authority tickets or tows cars illegally parked in fire lanes. Parking in these areas causes safety concerns in the event of a building fire or emergency evacuation.
Anyone living in an Onward property must be on the resident lease. Residents are allowed to have guests but must check with Onward team members about any extended stay.
Onward residents have the option of either using Shaw or Telus for internet and phone services at their personal expense. Onward does not allow satellite dishes or any other equipment to be placed on balconies, or be attached to the building exterior.
Onward properties use key fobs for main entries. Fobs are programmed for each individual resident. If a fob is lost, it will be deactivated. If you have lost your fob or have issues accessing the building with it, please contact us.
Only residents who have vehicles parked in underground parking are allowed in those areas. Guests are allowed in parking areas when accompanied by residents who have vehicles parked there. Call the Parking Authority at 403-537-7000 if someone is parked in your space.
If you notice any pests, please contact us immediately by calling 1-877-891-9060 or repairs@onwardhomes.ca.
If you have plumbing issues or water leaks, please call 1-877-891-9060 or email repairs@onwardhomes.ca. If repairs are required due to misuse, you may be charged for the cost of repair or damages. Any personal property damage must be claimed from your resident’s insurance.
Onward accepts rent payments through pre-authorized debit. We do not accept cash for rent payments. Rent is due on or before the first day of the month.
We want you to have an enjoyable living experience. If you have a repair request, please call 1-877-891-9060 or email repairs@onwardhomes.ca. We will do our best to address and resolve your concerns quickly.
Additional resources
Support for low-income households
See our directory of local organizations offering assistance and support to low-income households.
Customer service issue resolution
We set a high customer service standard for our residents. Unresolved issues may need more attention.
Move out request
Let us know if you’re planning on moving out, set up your exit inspection and download our move-out checklist.